I’m Gilda Graham
Personal Guide & Entertainment Coach
Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path
I Am Book for the Heart-Centered executive
Path to Clarity
Helping You Achieve Success
There comes a point in everyone’s life whether they ask themselves,
“Is this it?”
We usually just answer the question with whatever answer makes us feel good in the moment. Then, we go about doing the same thing every day getting stuck on our very own hamster wheel. We get stuck trying to solve the question, “how am I going to survive today?” We move about our day in total survival dodging getting yelled at, or unintentionally doing something wrong and almost getting fired, or worse, having to fire someone. We end our days feeling too burnt out to barely function only to find ourselves drowning our pain in wine whatever food is convenient and numbing out with our favorite streaming service.
Turn your wounds into wisdom - Oprah Winfrey
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. - Maya Angelou
I'm not funny. What I am is brave. - Lucille Ball
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - Gandalf (LOTR)
The Hero's Journey
Develop your character
90 Day Intensive
Career Advice
What are your needs?
Dear Gilda
Hello Reader,
Yes, balance does exist and it can be incorporated any way you need for the life you have right now. When you think of “balance” I’m sure you envision it quite differently than it’s meant to be. You can have a day filled with ups and downs, tons of things to do, and nothing working in the way you want. Not to mention, in this industry you can have 48 hour days. You become unbalanced, but that is how your work is orchestrated. You love what you do, great! By the moment your head hits the pillow, the balance needs to be there. It’s what sets you up for the next 24 hours. Tip: Breathe work is the secret to having a restful sleep and getting back the balance you need.
Do you have a question for me?
Mignon Gould (CEO of Mignon Media)
Gabriel Campisi (Executive Producer)
Noni Wheat ( Actress/Producer)
Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.
We work together on your mindset and what specific goals you want to work towards. Even if you are curious, I encourage you to reach out.